Ce que j'ai pensé de

Ce que j'ai pensé de
Des bouquins, et pas de place pour les ranger

vendredi 25 octobre 2013

Cyberpunk, de Mark Downham, chez Allia

Le présent ne ressemble jamais au futur tel qu'on le voyait dans le passé, l'article Cyberpunk, que Mark Downham a fait paraître en 1988 dans la revue Tom Vague, et qu'Allia ressort sous forme de petit livre rose, est là pour nous le rappeler.

Cyberpunk est truffé d'intuitions visionnaires, mais les termes ont mal vieilli. Mark Downham avait prédit ce déversement fascinant et effrayant d'images incontrôlables mais il avait appelé Youtube le vidéodrome et le terme évoque le ruban disparu de feues nos cassettes VHS. Bien-sûr, la lente dissolution du caractère subversif des réseaux informatiques dans le déterminisme technologique est une prophétie qui ne cesse de se réaliser. Mais Mark Downham lui donne le nom de métrophage, et on ne peut s'empêcher de sourire.

Bizarrement, plus que la technologie, c'est l'idéologie qui a vieilli. Les références aux tubes cathodiques et aux disquettes ont quelque chose de désuet, de touchant, alors que les allusions à Guy Debord ou à Jean Baudrillard virent à l'incantation post-marxiste à moitié hystérique. L'imprécation s'enferre dans un jargon de plus en plus touffu, de plus en plus opaque, au point qu'on se demande s'il ne faut pas arrêter la lecture lorsqu'on déchiffre la phrase suivante :

« Pour Debord, qui a donné au cyberpunk un sens théorico-critique de la praxis, l'aura et la virtualité du produit restaient liées à l'illusion de son absolue tangibilité. »

Mais la caricature est si forte qu'on finit par sentir sous le verbiage l'enfant qui se rassure en imitant les grands lorsqu'il rencontre une situation qu'il ne connaît pas, qui l'effraie, qui l' excite. Il ne comprend rien à ce qu'il dit, mais il le fait avec le plus grand sérieux. Et on le regardé, ému par la violence de sentiments qu'il pense être le premier à ressentir, attendri par le mélange de théorie mal digérée et de pop culture brandie comme un étendard. Debord côtoie Blade runner ; Baudrillard, Philipp K. Dick.

Bien-sûr on aurait aimé, enfin, j'aurais aimé, sentir un peu d'auto dérision, un peu de distance dans ce texte grandiloquent. Et elle vient. Mais à la toute fin du livre. Comme si Mark Downham n'avait finalement deviné qu'une chose, c'est que son article Cyberpunk, paru dans un vague Fanzine publié à la maison et distribué à l'arrache serait un jour ressorti par Allia, sans véritable travail éditorial, et vendu pour 6€50 sous une couverture rose vif. J'imagine Mark Downham se marrer en écrivant : « le cyberpunk est une analyse référentielle sur le pouvoir – l'identité – les psychologies- les futurs. Le cyberpunk est une vraie arnaque. »

En attendant l'acceptation par DesPochesSousLesYeux, le son est ici. 

TL ; DR : un article de MArk Downham à l'époque où le cyberpunk était un truc. Très vieilli, on le lira comme un témoignage de l'incapacité à prévoir l'évolution du monde, en particulier du monde numérique. 

13 commentaires:

  1. I am already inside your head making changes...this is very viral (I designed it that way) - I could update all the material but I think it should stand as written. Thank you for your interest

    Mark Downham

  2. Dear Mark, while you are in my head, could you please tell me where i lost my oldschool skateboard. I let it somewhere, but i can't remember, the exact place should be noted somewhere in my head ?
    Thank your for having read this chronicle (you read french ?)

  3. Your skateboard is still propped on the side of that bridge betwwn your right and left cerebral hemispheres. Tom (Vague) and I wrote that stuff right on the Edge. Right now 25 Years Later I am more interested in Real Energetic Pneumatology and Human Bio-Luminescence...so I guess I am more interested in the narratives and story-lines left by Roger Zelazny. On the issue of Psycho-Geograpohy, Drifting and Culture Jamming - you have got to understand that we are really dealing with Pneumatology not Psychology... it was never really Psychology...Enough Said?


  4. I'm faaaaar too mainstream, and far too much of a rationnalist for you and i to find a real "dialogue zone". But i like the idea that everything is as much about breathing as thinking.
    Anyway, if you and Tom still write, i'd be glad to read things, even if i've got little free time. Or is reading Zelazny a prerequisite ?In the latter cas, what should i start with ?

  5. Lsten - Derrida though Hauntology was a way of understandingh how the "original conversation" echoes or casts shadows into the present like replicating DNA - add in Psycho-Geography and you are then looking at Drifting as form of 'engaged' Hauntology of Architecture, Urbanism, Places etc. - that is wrong - Drifitng is actually a form of Real Energetic Pneumatology - I last met with Tom (Vague) in Notting Hill, a couple of years ago...I knew Michel Prigent who met Guy Debord before his suicide....all that is a waste of time...Chris Shutes (Point-Blank) was right - Radical Critique simply is not engaging the accelerating shifts and advances in hard sciences and technologies...that is the real issue - I simply started to realise our very infrastructure was trying to communicate with us....Drifitng was a form of communnicative engagement...they said it was Geomancy - the fools, they had no idea....I once wrestled with a Sorcerer - it fired yellow beams from its eyes straight at my chest and tried to stop my heart - we wrestled - day and niight fled away - it felt like days - I finally cast it down and it fell out sight like Gandalf and the Balrog in Tolkein's 'Lord of the Rings'....whatever...thanks for interest. keep smiling.


  6. Hi, Mark. You know, i'm far too down to earth for this conversation. I mean, what i'd like to know is how youmangae to earn a living, it's to know how you transmit yourphilosophy to your kids if you have some, it's how Drifting and ¨Pneumatology makes you and your people happy. Because as you said, what i try to do is to keep smiling, despite my divorce, my son away my soon-to-be-ended-job. So if you have practicle recipes, please let me know. If you actually are MArk, wow, i'm impressed by the interest you give to such a unknown french blogger.

  7. Goussu

    I am who I am. Most of the stuff written about me is rubbish. I just liked your approach - it felt authentic. Man, I am not some sort of Abstraction - I have been up neck in sufferings of my own and take Nietzsche, that which has not killed me has made me stronger - but they very nearly succeeded a few times - I have scars all over my body. So how do I make money? I was a Culture Jammer - now I do Consulting - and yes that is a deliberately Vague term...I am not going to come to you and talk nonsense - I find you very real. OK. This is what I do - 'You may not be interested in psychological warfare, but psychological warfare is interested in you.' —Xu Hezhen, Major General, People's Liberation Army, People's Republic of China. I like him - he is clever, but they are not game theorists like us....the Spectacle ultimately is a form of Psychological and Perceptual Warfare and we are at our most real when we resist the Programming.

  8. I copy you, Mark, on most of your point. A major difference between our approaches. You fight "them". Your ennemy, allegedely Programming against us, sounds like an weel organized army that have a goal. My ennemy is us. Orwell thought of a thought police. WE produced facebook. We produced google. This very blog is hosted by google. Why didn't i host my blog myself ? The friend that hosts my sounds told me he could build me a platform. BUT IT TOOK TIME. This is precisely why i asked you how you earn a living. Because making a living takes time. Because it is difficult. I used to work for a bank. Not as a well payed trader, as all-singing all-dancing crap of the world. It was a choice : it allowed me to feed my boy, to gain time to be able to go and get him for week-ends. Psychologicul warfare doesn't sound to me like : Them against me, but us against us. Me as a father against me as a megalomaniac revolutionnary. Me as a lover against me as a selfish skill-less writer. Me as a good friend against me as a selfrewarding prophet.
    Spectacle, in the Debord sense, is the distance between our lives and us. But Guy Debord did'nt eraned his living : he wrote his book out of the money of his girlfriend's money. My psychological warfare is a me against me. I want to earn my money as rightly (?) as i can. If each of us makes two or three of his people genuinely happy, the problem's solved. You talk about Dripping, I believe in contagion. Well, i don't believe in it, i hope for it. I would like to preach through example, and trust me, so far, so bad. I could'nt offer my son a fmaily that looks like one. I made dozens of girls unhappy. I spoiled fantastic job because i was senseless, self-absorbed, i failed in singing and working because i didn't work hard enough. I'm pretty sure i could write essays about Contagion, about how we should use Cognitive dissonance to fight against marketing, management, politics. But i have to show this. Orelse i call bullshit. Look : we all thought at a point of our lives that communism was a great idea. Have you found great communists ? That don't build their legend rather than a shiny future ? Even Nietzsche doesn't seem to me such an example of a full, happy, solar life. Who did he bring joy to ? Even Spinoza and his rigourous behavior made his relatives sad.
    My fight is against myself, it's about how i can grow a hapiness as i'd grow a tree under which my people could take shelter. So my question was very very down to earth : how do you make your family happy. Does resisting the programming makes you happy ? Does it make your family happy ?
    I hope you understand my questions are veri naive, very sincere.

  9. OK. Game Theory is Sherlock Holmes vs Professor Moriarty - it is scenarios, permutations and the ability to see how things will play out - not just stochastics and probabilities - but to know which path to take in a garden of endlessly forking paths...I can see that stuff - that is why people use me for Consulting - I see the Future - I know which path to take. I am Tarkovsky's Stalker - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalker_(1979_film). So. You do not want this....Calvert called it Psi-Power. You can never turn it off...never. But. Happiness. Inner Stability - it is is finding Inner Stability.

  10. I guess this is a kind of power. But i'm pretty sure you also have the ability to persuade people, because most of the time, when i see something happening and i warn people that hired me, they telle me to shut up, call me names, and hate me when things definitely happen. What is it like to be trusted ? What is it like to go from cultur jamming to consulting ? Do you sometimes feel you sold you soul ? Did you find inner stability ? Does it helps your people to find theirs ? Does consulting let you time to do creative stuff ? Don't you feel like your consulting is part of the Programming stuff ? Thanks for the exchanges.

  11. Great Questions. The categories that interest me are 'Energetic Transactions'; Spiritual Cognition; Quantum Physics as 'Words' (literally the base Energetic DNA underwriting the Universe); Semiotics and Symbologies. Where Guy Debord and I separate is that he was probably attempting to articulate a Post-Marxist (Phenomenological) Theory of Metaphysics and Alienation in 'The Society of the Spectacle' or 'The Spectacular Society' and I decided we are dealing with Real Pneumatological Entities and certain Types of Human Agency. Once a Culture Jammer - always a Culture Jammer....Tom Vague met Ralph Rumney...one of the co-founders of the London Psychogeographical Association - Rumney added nothing to what I already knew and had experienced...but I added something to Psychogeography; Détournement (Culture Jamming) and the Dérive (Drifting) - I added a Pneumatological perspective and that has had radical implications.....have I sold out? No. I know exactly what I am doing - the Consulting is a form of Culture Jamming - just using slightly different language. Did I find 'inner stability' - Yes but I consider the Zen statement of developing a state of mind and mindfulness that does not cling to anything (Luk, 'Ch'an and Zen Teaching', Series 1:173) to be rubbish - there is a difference between clinging and the dialectics of radical engagement and Drifting (as an Intentional Practice) - the way I approach Drifting involves 'Mindfulness' as states of Hyper-Vigilance - developed by Karl Weick: Rochlin (1997, p. 109) describes the phenomenon this way: “Those who man the combat operations centers of US Navy ships use the term ‘having the bubble’ to indicate that they have been able to construct and maintain the cognitive map that allows them to integrate such diverse inputs as combat status, information sensors and remote observation, and the real-time status and performance of the various weapons and systems into a single picture of the ship’s overall situation and operational status.” The notion of “having the bubble is similar to the notion of “situational awareness” - I began to do this type of "Cognitive Mapping" in how I Drift and I applied it and do apply it as a Pneumatological Discipline in how I consult....this is why I can see the Pneumatological Energies in the Landscape(s) of Things....

  12. Goussu - yes I have the ability to influence and persuade people. I want to make some closing comments on the British Situationist "Flash Mob": David Wise (King Mob) - I think his relationship to Tom Vague is "Ground Control to Major Tom..." - Stuart Wise (King Mob) - is he a viral form of Puritan Communitarian Hedge-row Preacher? Yes. Did he experience his own 'Great Ejection' - Yes. Can I help him? Yes. Will he listen? No. There are always choices. Michel Prigent. He became interesting when after certain pressures - he suddenly developed an Alter-Ego - 'Dr. Chronos' and began engaging in temporal experiments...and tinkering with time machines...Dr Who? Although he was always at his best as the MC of a Jazz Club...What can I say about Nick Brandt...in the end I think he had compassion...I found that quality redemptive - he was always driving furiously between the 16 Stations of his Cross...stopping at every station and then leaping back into the car....a brilliant new glittering self at the wheel....with the discarded old self....left at the last station....OK. Enough said...thanks. Mark

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